Thursday, 18 December 2008

Not as I planned it......

It's hard to be postive today as a lot of itty bitty things are bringing me down. Not least was the email I received last night stating that a substantial payment I was expecting yesterday is now not going to arrive until the second week of January. It's put a spanner in the festive works as you can no doubt imagine. On top of that I have a second invoice in that I am awaiting payment for, with no official date agreed other than it should be before Christmas and so the finances are certainly weighing on my mind as you can imagine.

Add to that my poor SLA has more tooth troubles. He has pain on both sides of his mouth now - in different places from when the previous work was done. He's back at the dentist for ANOTHER emergency appointment tomorrow - I really hope they can sort him out so that he's not in pain over Christmas, he's just not himself at the moment at all.

The Bean is very grouchy and tired most of the time - last day of school tomorrow so I'm hoping he'll pick up a bit then and get a bit excited instead of just moaning all the time! One positive though is that he has really taken to the film of 'The Polar Express' this year. Last year he was petrified of it for some reason but this week I think we've watched it every night. It's really captured his imagination.

So, tomorrow is my last day home alone til the 6th January next year. I'm planning on heading into town for a quiet coffee somewhere, having a walk to clear the cobwebs away and then pottering around the house until it's time to pick the Bean up. After that we're off to the Christmas Party at our local play barn which had a lovely atmosphere last year - maybe it will get us all in the party mood :o)


Carol Anne Strange said...

There's nothing more frustrating than payment delays and I can definitely empathize! Stay positive and try not to let it dampen your spirit. Meanwhile, enjoy having the day to yourself tomorrow. A bit of time out and some fresh air will clear the cobwebs. xx

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

Sorry to hear about the delay of your payment, horrible to have that happening, especially at this time of year.

Hope you enjoy the play.x