Tuesday, 10 February 2009

Manicures and References

I am still absolutely full of this rotten virus. It's awful and going on WAY too long. My throat feels like a swollen razor blade and every time I swallow OUCH! I'm also sick of sniffing and blowing and hacking and coughing.......you get the general picture, I'll stop wallowing in self pity now!

This morning I have been for my first ever manicure! What an experience, I loved it! I am now sporting perfectly pink nails with little diamond flowers on both ring fingers - I'm not sure they look like my hands anymore to be honest. I need to wash up, sort the animals out and clean the bathrooms and toilets but I'm not sure my hands are dressed for sure menial jobs! lol Still, not like anyone else is going to do them for me eh?

I have taken the next step along the road the post graduate education. The UCAS form is filled in, complete with the nerve wrecking personal statement. I have spoken to Manchester University this morning and worked out the details for my academic reference and so I have entered all that on there and clicked the button to request said reference! Eeeeek! Thankfully, my old tutor, Harry, is still in the department so he will be able to write it for me. He was fantastic, Harry. Looked like a real philosopher.....and paused and stroked his beard as he thought. Very authentic! I thoroughly enjoyed his lectures and tutorials and I'm delighted he is still there and will be able to be my referee.

After school today we are off to the playbarn with some friends. The children will all be able to play and we'll probably eat there too. My hard working hubby has a meeting and an options evening after school so he won't be home til around 9:30pm probably. I'll be collapsed on the sofa by then, no doubt still coughing my guts up!

Tomorrow I have an interview for a part time job, which I applied for before I'd decided to train to be a teacher. I'm in mixed mind about it now. Nothing is ever straightforward is it? I would enjoy the job, I'm sure but it makes it more complicated to get the school experience in that I need for my course. But then, say I don't get onto the course, I will really need the job! I'm trying not to stress. What will be, will be eh?


Suzanne Ross Jones said...

Sorry you're not well. Some nasty things going around just now. Hope you feel better soon.


Chris Stovell said...

Good luck with the interview - it's hard trying to juggle all the balls. I'm thoroughly enjoying studying again, it's been brilliant.

Tiff said...

yea for manicure's..never had one..but would love to..one day..haha...hope you feel better soon and I hope your job interview went well! :)

Hillary said...

Girl, you and me both! Sore throat. Lost my voice. Head full of blegck. Sludge in my throat. And hacking and coughing like a maniac. Started a week ago today and still going strong!

I hope you feel better soon.

You know...this Harry guy who was your tutor and going to be your referee...don't confuse him with the smaller Harry, K?