Monday, 23 February 2009

Spanish picnics and submitted forms.

I know, it's been a while! Sorry about that. Life got in the way of blogging there for a's been non stop with one thing and another.

So, half term is over and done is our trip to Spain to visit my Dad. Everything went pretty well, all things considered. My poor hubby came down with a tummy bug the day before we flew and so spent most of the day in the bathroom. He was as white a sheet, poor thing, and how he managed to get it together enough to even get to the airport is beyond me! Still, we arrived at my Dad's on time and it was lovely to see him. We spent some lovely time on the beach and I had an indulgent paddle along the waves with the Bean. We had some lovely meals -nothing Spanish though, you understand. That's the thing you see, with the area Dad has moved to. It may be in Spain but you wouldn't know it! There's the Phoenix pub, the Pasty Shack for lunch, the local corner shop where Dad stocks up on his HP sauce....there's Scampi's chippy, the Rose and Crown pub, Murphy's Bar.....and so it goes on.....and on! We had some lovely picnics for lunches too - Dad does a great picnic. And it's a bit of a spectacle for those around see, when they emmigrated, they took the picnic table with them too. It was from Woolworths I think, a long time ago. Folds up into a carry case with handle but unfolds to reveal a table and four attached bench seats - you have to see it to believe it! lol

Anyway, twas a lovely break, even with the 4 hour delay to the flight coming home.....without it I may not have succumbed to the Haagen Dazs ice cream kiosk in the departure lounge....and I'm so glad I did!

Bean was back in school today (seems happy enough) as was SLA. He's still there at a meeting. Tomorrow promises to be a big day as I am heading back to my old school in Lancashire to shadow one of my teachers for the day! The PGCE form is in and I'm waiting to hear back from the university now. It's all scary stuff - I think I'm half terrified and half excited! Typically, the day after I submitted the form I landed a commission for 15 articles and another project that could bring in a regular monthly income too. Just typical! lol


Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

Glad you all had a lovely time in Spain. Love that picnic table too, very clever.

Sorry to hear about your poor husband. A few people at work fell ill just before half term and going on their hols too.

Carol Anne Strange said...

Good to hear that you had a nice break in Spain. Hope you and your hubby are feeling much better now after taking some time out!

Have a fantastic day at the school tomorrow! I'm sure it'll be memorable and enlightening.

As for the contract work, yes that really is just typical! hee hee. All good though. :-)