Tuesday, 7 October 2008

Busy, busy, busy

Having a busy day today so far and am ecstatic to have seen the bottom of the washing basket for the second time in a week! Whooop! I do seem to mention the washing a lot in my blog....I'm not obsessed - really!

Just finished writing 3 articles for VisitBritain, still no sign of my blog on WeightWatchers but I'll keep logging in! Speaking of WW, had a shock this morning after baking a second batch of their double chocolate brownies and realising they are actually double the points I thought they were! Could explain why I ended up gaining weight last week as I wolfed the whole lot in just over a day! Ooops! I'd better show a little more self control with this lot!

Getting more and more ideas for my Nano novel although I am still petrified at the thought of 50,000 words in one month! If you have no idea what I'm going on about then you could nip to http://www.nanowrimo.org/ if you really want to - but hurry back, you hear!

I got my short story typed up yesterday that was stuck in my notebook and I still like it - which is fairly unusual for me. I'm going to do a bit of work on it and then have a think where to send it to after perusing the guidelines for a few mags.

Diet is going well so far this week (although I've only had one day to mess it up so far!) I really hope I come in with a loss this time. I really must try to work out how to get some more exercise into my days really.....I do keep getting a rather worrying urge to go for a 'run' and I put in '' as it wouldn't class as running for most people! I've had another look on the Couch25K website though and it's put me off again. Mainly because it sounds painful and they keep stressing how important it is to buy good running shoes - I can't see myself spending money on running shoes anytime soon so I think I'll just stay home. I've got an exercise bike and one of those little trampette things in the garage somewhere....maybe I should dig them out?


Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

What a shame that the brownies were double the points. That's the sort of mistake I would make.

Well done with the washing, I've just finished my second load tonight, I've no idea where it all comes from, but it never seems to end.

I did contemplate attempting the Nanowrimo this year (haven't done it before) but decided that I should concentrate on the other bits and pieces that I'm supposed to be working on, so will leave it until next November.

Jayne said...

Debs - I know what you mean with the washing! There really is no end to it! I can totally understand your thoughts with the nanowrimo - I'm getting more nervous as we approach November!!

Sunshine said...

Gosh those brownies look so good.

Speaking of washing...I'm doing the very same. I think my clean house (it's way too clean for my liking) has more to do with my lack of money at the moment, which is why I'm at home...cleaning.

Look at you writing up a storm. I should really try to do that. I *used* to write the short stories. They are my favorite. Well, poetry is, but I think it's more my lack of patience (aka discipline). I can get the poetry out quicker. Does that make any sense at all, or does it sound like a very big fat EXCUSE? I used to even submit stuff. Maybe I should get going on that again. Maybe try to get paid a little (a very little in my case) for some of my writing. You are so inspiring to me, girl. It's nice to be "in the vicinity" of other writers.

WOAH...I totally went off there a little. What I meant to say was, those brownies look good (i know...i'm no help at all with the diet and exercise bit...sorreee...).

Jayne said...

Sunshine - aww, thanks for the comment, it's made me all fuzzy inside :) You should totally try to write again, especially with the money issies! Writing doesn't cost anything and who knows it may even make you some cash! I'd love to read some of your work.

The brownies are delicious....mmmmm.....as for the cleaning, my house is so cluttered it's ridiculous! Drives me potty!